Limitless Spirit

Overcoming self-doubt

Helen Todd/Julie Cerruti Season 4 Episode 130

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Have you ever wondered how to conquer your fears and hesitations when called to serve others? 
In this episode we sit down with the remarkable Julie Cerruti, whose life story is a testament to resilience, compassion and faith.  In this heartfelt episode we sit down with the remarkable Julie Cerruti, whose life story is a testament to resilience, compassion and faith.  Born amidst Vietnam's political turmoil, Julie and her family fled to the United States, where she navigated her way from a Buddhist upbringing to a deep Christian faith.  She shares her journey, from overcoming self-doubt to finding purpose and confidence in her new home, and exercising her gift of compassion on a mission to Mexico.
Believing that God had instilled compassion within her for this purpose, Julie reveals how she bravely stepped up to serve in Mexico and how she used her talents and skills in different ways to contribute to the mission. Her journey demonstrates how embracing faith and heeding God's calling can lead to profound personal growth.

Ever asked yourself how to make a meaningful impact in someone else's life? Julie exemplifies how sharing personal testimony can do just that. She underscores the importance of sharing our experiences with God's work in our lives, whether it's through prayer, compassion, or storytelling. Julie's narrative is a powerful reminder that our personal metamorphosis can influence others and lead them to Christ. Tune in to this episode, be inspired by Julie's journey, and discover how to ignite the transformative power of your own story.

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Speaker 1:

What if you had a guide who could tell you how to bridge a gap between who you are today and who you are destined to be? What if, each week, you could hear a story of someone who has tried and succeeded, or perhaps tried and failed but learned something in the process? Limitless Spirit is a weekly podcast where host Helen Todd interviews guests about topics and personal stories on defining life's purpose, pursuing personal growth and developing a deeper faith in Christ.

Speaker 2:

Welcome back to another episode of the Limitless Spirit. I'm your host, helen Todd, here to bring you another story that is bound to tug at your heartstrings. We all have experienced moments of self-doubt at one point or another, whether it is moving into a new community or starting a new season in life. There are those moments when we can't rely on what we know or have experienced so far and there are left feeling like we're not enough. I frequently talk to people who have a deep desire to serve God and people, but feel like they're not spiritual enough or lack specific skills or knowledge.

Speaker 2:

Today is super special, guys. We have with us a phenomenal lady, julie Saruti, who turned the trials of her life into a testimony that shines bright in the dark corners of the world. From escaping the war in Vietnam with nothing but clothes she wore to succeeding in a country where she didn't know the language and then discovering Christian faith, she scarved a path that is nothing short of inspirational. Get ready to be moved by her journey of self-discovery and growth. Our incredible guest overcame self-doubt and channeled this newfound strength into touching lives through missionary work. Her story is a great reminder that we can find light, confidence and purpose even when the journey seems steep. You know folk.

Speaker 2:

Hello Julie, welcome to the Limitless Spirit Podcast. Hi, alan, nice to talk to you. I so love technology that we can be in different states and here we are talking to each other like we're sitting in the same room. So I really have been wanting to do this interview with you for a while, because you have a pretty incredible story, and so we're going to jump right into it. You were born in Vietnam, is that correct?

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, I was born in Vietnam, in Saigon.

Speaker 2:

In Saigon. So tell me a little bit what you remember from your life there. What was life like for you?

Speaker 3:

I go back when, as far as I can remember, I was born in a family who works here, ancestors, and they are Buddhism, but the funny thing is, even so, they put me to Catholic school, I think in great school. That's where I start Catholic school and, be honest with you, they look at that in a way that for me to be structured, to be organized, to be disciplined, to be focused.

Speaker 2:

You had a good education, right.

Speaker 3:

A good education. That basically it, even though I know deep in my heart. I know there's a God, there's a God, but I never get an opportunity to really develop further because it was a school we didn't have Bible study class or anything like that. So then, through great school, went to high school, a different high school. It's called the Genshin of Christ that's the name of the high school I went there and we switched from French to study to English, because that was back in the early 70s. So we switched to English, so I can learn English and they think it would be helpful for my futures.

Speaker 2:

So, coming from a Buddhist family and being in a Catholic school, did you feel like this is a completely foreign thing to you and what you were taught about God and faith was something you had never heard before.

Speaker 3:

You know we didn't have Bible school. I wish the school did. That would help me more greatly because I know in my heart I'm very receptive to the supreme being, that even beyond Buddha. But at that time I would just think, oh well, Buddha is saying that life is full of sufferings and you can be doing it. Focus on performance, A lot about performance and being a good person. So I just, you know, I didn't know any more than that, but being in a Catholic school and there was no Bible study class, so I did not know the difference and I'm receptive to what I was taught. You know, I thought I was good as well, but that was a Catholic school and I don't know the difference between Catholic and Christians and everything else at that time, until I came over here, you know, came to the US.

Speaker 2:

So the political events that happened in Vietnam during that time sort of made your world fall apart in a sense. So tell me a little bit about that time.

Speaker 3:

So in 75, all of a sudden, one day I, just like you know, my family said okay, the bus is going to pick up and take us to the airport. Well, I have no clue, I would just follow you know I have when they say you can have a little small suitcase, but you know, so I have a little backpack. So we go to the airport and we were waiting at that time. So we only hear that like the North Vietnam had already coming down to start attacking and they start taking over the central and go further, further south. So they had gone to Saigon. And I start hearing the battles going like bullets flying, you know, everywhere, and we, we, I think we got picked up like late in the day. So by the time we get to the airport we only have a few hours of daylight, and then most of the time it was at night and the bullets just flying all over us like, like fireworks, you know why did your family have to flee?

Speaker 3:

Well, part of it's. My father was a high rank official in the government, so, even though he passed away, but that's not good, you know. And then also he had sent all of my older brother and sister to boarding school in the US and to France. So that's not a good. That's not good either because of our background. So they know who my father was. And then I have a sister-in-law. She worked for USA and then so really, and she really saved all of us, she brought all of us in.

Speaker 3:

And we get to the bus and you know it was, you know, then go, went straight to the airport. So that was the. That's why we have to leave, because if not, you, they're gonna take you to a concentration camp and then like, scatter everybody everywhere. And you know, that's just and be honest with you, I never expect, I never think about going to the US. It never crossed my mind. I just look back and they say this is all. God, will he work? In a mysterious way, it definitely. It's just like, how did that all come? I mean, I wasn't planning anything. I was thinking about going to school in the US or Canada or France, because that was my brother and sister did. But when I was born, my father died when I was a young teenager, so there's no hope that that we could go. So anyways, I just think it's just the whole thing happened, it just got real.

Speaker 3:

He kept us survived during that night. You know, like every time the helicopter trying to land to pick us up and other family as well, and they get shoot at, so they flying back up, so we have to run and hide from one hanger to another and then, till finally able to land and pull us up, they say everybody, we only bring people, Do not bring any of your luggage with you. You drop everything. You only have your ID with you and I guess it's short in your bags. You know, and that was it. So I came and I left everything at the airport. So we just have a short in our bags and the ID.

Speaker 3:

And I remember, before we left, I think my family say, oh, each of us should get a dog tag, like a, like a name tag, like a dog tag. They're called dog tag, yeah, with your name, your name on it and your birthday. And that was basically it. So, and praise God that we get on the helicopter and and just not knowing where we're going not knowing about our future.

Speaker 3:

Definitely some of my brother, older and sister, some of them has left before us, like way before us, but this is like like for my mother and I, and then the brother and his, his wife, their family going with us. That was the last one that was able to be so. So my older brothers, they have some friends in the US, so they have some friends and you know, but, like for my mother and I and my younger brother, we don't know anybody. We did not know anyone, period, nothing. So we did not know where our future is going to be. We're not, we just totally like like a blank in our future, not know what we're going to be doing and but so all of a sudden, from a fairly comfortable lifestyle you became a refugee in America and you were able to get education and got married.

Speaker 2:

So at what moment did Jesus found find his way into your heart?

Speaker 3:

You know, when I came here, all I was thinking about is get an education, go to college, learn English is the first thing you know, like, stay here for, like, we came here with refugee status, like a parolee, you know, some kind of status like that and then they'll grant us green card. After 10 years we can get green card. During that time I studied English, I was very shy, and I'm still shy in some way too. I just want to lay low. I don't want to, you know, like be in front of a lot of people and all that. So that's why. So I just focus on learning English and I say what's the best way to learn English? I sign up in like for free English class that they teach us, they teach refugees at that time and then I start. When I knew some English, I started signing up for college and I thought, well, the best way to learn English is to like to be mixed and equal with the American kids, you know, because that's how you learn to speak and learn all the you know. And of course, you know they college, so they use slang and all that stuff. So I just learning how to secure my life, you know.

Speaker 3:

Getting educations, I didn't think so much about God. I didn't know any friends in college that encouraged me, that disciple me, to learn anything about God. Until much, much later. And then, when I got college degree, I worked very hard to, you know, to earn a living and to be able to start supporting and help others that less fortunate. And that's when I start sponsoring kids, start helping, you know, in the capacity that I could do for them. And until much, much later in life I got married, and I got married late in life as well.

Speaker 3:

My husband's one day told me you know, julie, we need to go to church. And I knew that was in my heart. There was a few time I attempted to go to church, but somehow I don't know what it was. It's like I feel, like I was. I was gonna start with the Bible study and I got someone, gave me a Bible. It was an old King James version. I did not understand. I just read it, but I don't understand his language. So I got feel discouraged, so I will start going to. I remember the future was like is what's a big Methodist church? But I didn't say it. So I went to that Methodist church. I thought, okay, it's a big place. So somehow I felt that I started, but I have no friends who really like two Christians to help me. Then I felt discouraged because I didn't feel like I fit in. There's some reason, something, I don't know what it was. But then when I got, when I got married, my husband said oh, we need to go to church, julie.

Speaker 2:

So your husband was a.

Speaker 3:

Christian, 100% right way. I had no quarrel with him, you know like, and I said yeah, let's explore, let's look for church, and then and then, and it starts from there, so your husband was a Christian, yes, and he didn't go to church and his family, you know, his parents, believe in Jesus, in God and Jesus and all that stuff.

Speaker 3:

And when we visited them we went to church with them. So it's like, you know, and I went to church and then when I heard the sermons and I don't know why, but I cry a lot, you know, I sit in there and I feel guilty. There's something, the Holy Spirit convicted of my sin and I, you know, and I cry a lot and I'm afraid. And he said, oh, this is embarrassing. I mean, I'm sitting in church and I cry, and you know. So every time I go, I cry. Every time I, you know, visit him, I go to church with him on Sunday, I cry.

Speaker 3:

So then when we came back, you know, you know, we were just busy, I was just really busy with my life and my career and I put it in the background, you know. So it just, it's just the Holy Spirit, it's just like keep coming back at me, you know, say like, you know it's overdue, you need to, you know, confess your sins, go to church and then accept Jesus is the Lord and the Savior, because that's the only one. And you know, when my husband suggested I'm fine with it and I had no qualm. I never say, well, you know what about Buddhism? And I had no qualm. I mean, I'm just straight go you were ready?

Speaker 2:

yeah, I'm ready, and I never look back praise God you know, this is a beautiful story, because God Just the truth, just the truth, we're fine goes after the hearts of the people who are ready, and it seems like there wasn't a person that necessarily brought you to him. You just came to him by being drawn by the Holy Spirit. There were seeds planted along the way, maybe something you heard in your Catholic school something you heard from your co-workers and eventually you're there, and so you know this is how God works.

Speaker 2:

Ultimately, I always tell people God doesn't need our help to fulfill the Great Commission. He's able to bring people to the knowledge of him without our help. But it is a privilege to core labor with him, in that it's the most creative work we can do in this life, and so it's interesting. You felt the tug towards missions work. I was thinking when you said when you were still in college or in your early career and you were trying to bless less fortunate and do good things. And perhaps you were doing this because Buddhism teaches that you have to earn your afterlife with good deeds, but when you receive Jesus in your heart, you have the desire to do this because you love the Lord, and if you love the Lord, then you love people, and so I think that's where your desire came for missions?

Speaker 3:

Yes, I believe so, because I believe that God could have me do other things. But I just feel like I always love people and I do this because it's his calling in my life and I do this for his glory. I wasn't thinking about oh, julie, you did this, you did that, you know. Oh God, I'm gonna love you more. No, in Buddhism that's how they compare.

Speaker 3:

Oh, I've done so many things. I've done some bad things, but all the good things I've done, it outweighs the bad things. So I still go to heaven and that's what my cousins and relatives, some of my friends, believe that way. And I'm trying to, I'm rebuilding them and I'm trying to tell them. But I have to be kind of gently, work on them, you know, and explain to them because I do this work because of God calling you and that's why he put this in my heart. I mean it could have been something else, but, like other people, they're calling on something else and they have different skill, talents and he put compassion in my heart and I do this because of his calling and his, of his glory. It's nothing I mean.

Speaker 3:

I do this, I pray all the time. I say if this is what I do please encourage me, and I knew that it's very strong in my heart to help the lowly. That's why I like the Mexico, too, when we pray for all these people that work in such a like, have such desperate life. You know, and I feel like, yes, you know there's God above that. He loves you. I mean this is, you know, this is only temporary, just like all the things that negative thing happened in my life. It's just temporary. I told him about all these bad things, the negative thing, the wrongdoing that I have done. You know all of that it's, you know, be true repentance and through knowing that, god will work in your life. And he worked in a way. You don't realize it, but he constantly worked in your life. It's a process, you know.

Speaker 2:

Before you went on that mission, your first mission trip with World Missions Alliance to Mexico, you had some doubts and hesitations. Particularly you felt like your English was not good enough, or maybe you're not the best communicator. Were there any other hesitations that you had?

Speaker 3:

It's just you know because I am not like. It seems like when I'm around, like at church and with a group, bible study group and people, I've seen some of them like a prayer warrior and I say, oh no, julie, you can't go to trip, mission trip, and then Glenn can't pray and don't pray too well, or using the wrong word it might create a misunderstanding, because I have that at work. I would say one thing and you know, and then people at work misunderstood me, I got myself in troubles and that sort of thing. So I don't want this, something like this, when I'm praying for other people, because this is about God. You know, but you know, but I learned. So I learned how to pray and I thought to myself like every day I'm gonna try to get myself in a schedule that I always pray to improve myself and that I really, when I sit down and and in quite time between me and God, I really, you know, I think about the Holy Spirit and I pray, I pray really well. I mean, like you know, I like like a conversations, but when I'm praying with a lot of people, you know some of the things I thought about pray, they only pray, and they pray a lot better because it's a flow, you know it's not, it's not being like, you know, like chopped up. Like you know, I pray.

Speaker 3:

I got interrupted and I felt interrupted in my head and I, you know, I got, you know it's just not good. But I thought like, oh, I mean like this is, this is I cannot do, like I mean medical mission trip and I am not a nurse and I need to go pray for them. Then I'm not praying too well, what can I do to them? And then, so that's why I came, it came to my mind okay, well, then I can contribute my effort in different way. Oh, I help them set up the table, the temps, put food out, you know, clean up, sweeping the floor and that's sort of thing. So you know. And then, so you know, and I really enjoy it because, like you know, I want to do something, and it's for God, because God is there and he guide me.

Speaker 3:

Maybe that day, you know, you know, I wake up and he said okay, julie, I, my assignment for you today is to sweep the floor, clean it up, pick it up, do this, do that, and maybe not have much an opportunity to pray. Or, you know, I constantly what is I feel I constantly feel like, like my thoughts, just like disconnect. At some point I'm trying to pray and then all of a sudden, something else came in my mind. So sometimes the enemy is always there 24 seven to to interrupt me and to, and then so so I just like I say, okay, well, you know around, if that's the case, I'm going to pray the Lord, that I'm going to rebuild the enemy, and you know, and I think it just somehow, you know and it works, you know it works. It helped me to be better focused each time.

Speaker 2:

So, what can help you to go with the fact that we were ministering to the people in the garbage city. I think that was kind of a deciding factor for you. Also, I didn't know that you had hesitations or doubts about yourself being able to share, and I asked you to share your testimony in front of the people that we were serving, and you did it fantastic job actually. So tell me a little bit about that experience.

Speaker 3:

Actually, I was kind of surprised that I was able to talk about myself because you know I'm more of a private person, you know. I just thought, like how can I say things that I can convey the message, you know, and I think the Holy Spirit just tell me what to say.

Speaker 2:

And so what did you feel as we were ministering to the garbage collectors in that area?

Speaker 3:

You know, I feel they are the ones that really need to be encouraged and, you know, I just like my heart was just wide open I say this is be the kind of people that I need to minister, I need to, like, help them. And even when I go back to the US, I think about them. I remember vaguely about some of their situations in general. I just pray for them in general and I just pray for more opportunity that I be able to pray for these people. And then when we pray for others in the like, in the main square and all that, I remember some of them and I still do now, even though it's about a year now, early, over a year now, and then I still remember the situation. I don't know how they're like to now, but you know, it's really. There's a lot of, there's a lot of people there, even though they tell me that they, they the Catholic, and they believe in God and Jesus. But they have all these situations and I just tell them God will make everything beautiful in each time. Don't be anxious, don't be, don't worry, just have peace and comfort, knowing that God is with you, and I just pray with them. That sort of you know along that line and I go home and I keep praying for them.

Speaker 3:

So that's one thing I like to do is I want to spend my life as a prayer is a prayer to survive, you know. So I encourage myself. I encourage myself, you know, like to be more in the world, in his word, to be more structured, like like I find resource and things that help me, you know, that help me more in praying for other people. And when I pray, I pray in quiet time, I pray with my heart open. You know, I find it's difficult for me to stand in the light, like in front of a whole bunch of a whole bunch of group of people and pray, because sometimes what I want to pray, other people would really have to say it. So I say, well, I don't want, like a copycat, you know, praying the same thing they pray.

Speaker 3:

So I try to go to area that we haven't touched. I haven't touched. But if I pray first, then I feel like, well, maybe it's not ready. I somehow, you know, I just haven't got myself to like I don't know what, I don't know how to explain it, but I said, oh yeah, I can go first, but I like to have people who really are prayer warriors to go first. Not me, because I'm not. I feel like I'm not there yet, you know. But I guess God know your heart, you know, and I wouldn't be like be too concerned about that. I'm not a prayer warrior, it just I told myself. You just pray maybe a short, a couple of sentences, you know, but God know what, what you're asking him, you know so, and that that lead me to the tendency to pay kind of in general.

Speaker 2:

You know, not, not to feel for you to be used by God, in spite of your hesitations. Did it build your confidence?

Speaker 3:

Yes, the more I'm into the word of God, the more I have more confidence. It's like you build that up over time and the Holy Spirit works on you slowly and surely and it is a process, just like asking for forgiveness. You know, sometimes things I don't want to do, I do it again and I hate myself, you know, and I say like, why am I doing what I don't want to do and what I need to do I want to do, I don't do, and I see that from Paul.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he asked the same question. He asked it.

Speaker 3:

I just like, okay, well, I know I'm born sinful, so I, just as long as I'm aware of what the wrongdoing, the lack of this, and that you know and pray God and He'll forgive you. You know because he knows you. You know if he's, if you're the, when you are the in life, you know God and he gets the Holy Spirit with you throughout the time and he helped build you. Whatever you, he built you in to accomplish His will, his plan and His eternal purpose. You know probably not my purpose really because you know I the thing I do, because I feel the Holy Spirit call me for you know, and I I don't have all the, the skill and the talents and all that to offer, but I that's why I'm hesitated.

Speaker 3:

You know I said like I wanted to make sure that I come, that I can do something that give a lasting impact for the people that I, that I come to serve them. You know what the Holy Spirit call me. You know I'm not there to, you know to for anything about myself. It's just really not about me. Something benefit for the, for the organization, for the PMA, that, yes, we are, we, we respond to God calling, we come here to because the Holy Spirit leads the way, and and, and that's why we we there, you know, I just want to make sure that I have something that that impact them. So I, you know, so I, I like to go on every trip, but some of the trip I didn't make it, I know.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know, listening to your story, I think that what, as long as we have Christ in our heart and we have an active, living, personal relationship with Him, this is the best thing that we can offer to the world. It's contagious listening to you and how God transformed your life, how he worked in your heart and restored so many things within your heart. It makes me want to know more about this God that you serve, and this is this is the most significant thing. You have to offer people who are hurting, people who are broken, people who are in need, because any help that we can offer them material help will eventually be used up.

Speaker 2:

It's not going to solve and cure their problems, it can make their life easier for a time, but it's not going to solve the problems. But you know, and I know, that God can, that he is the one who provides us with everything we need and gives us the peace that we need and the healing that we need, and this is the greatest thing that we have to offer and I think it's the enemy's way to keep us away from doing something by telling us that we're not enough.

Speaker 2:

That we are lacking in this or lacking in that, but we're more than enough with God. And I'm so excited to watch you just blossom into what God called you to be and you know. Setting aside all these hesitations, I look forward to many more missions adventures with you in the future.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, helen. Yeah, I look forward to joining the VMA for more trips and more trips, you know, and I hope every trip I have my eyes on will work out for me, because sometimes I plan to do one thing and then there are certain things happen in the last minutes and I, you know, I have to switch my plans. I would say, maybe the Holy Spirit say, well, no, not this one, julie, I want you to do something else. So you know, I just you know, I'm just, you know, I'm relying on, I depend on, the Holy Spirit to lead me wherever he want me to to go.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you for the.

Speaker 3:

VMA too. I really thank you for the VMA that gave me the opportunity because, you know, I came across the VMA just all by accident. I was looking for a mission trip. I wanted it, but I couldn't do it with the church because there was various reasons I don't want to go in there. But then I saw this group and I said, oh, this is wonderful, oh, we can do this, because that's all they focused. I'm so glad you found that.

Speaker 2:

In conclusion, what would you tell people who are maybe in the same place that where you are today, feeling that they're not enough to do something for God. They're not enough to do something for other people?

Speaker 3:

I would say that Don't worry about that. You're not enough. We are not made perfect. We have our strength and weakness. Don't be focused about your weakness. Focus on the strength and praying for the Holy Spirit to guide you. The Holy Spirit will put in your heart what you desire, what you wanted to do.

Speaker 3:

And I knew that because I had desire to travel. I love to travel, I love to meet people and I'm curious about this world and I say how beautiful the world is and every day I just seem like in the past I take it for granted, but now it's different. Every day I praise God, I pray to the Lord. I just so thankful that I don't know why am I able to be in His Word to you. So I would tell people don't ever focus to your weakness. We are not perfect. Only God is perfect. And pray for the Holy Spirit every day to lead you and the enemy will attack you 24-7. I mean, I knew that myself. As soon as you think about something positive, something negative come. I mean, make you hesitate, make you worry about it all, and I told them only God is perfect. Just look at it that way. And we needed Him Because we are His creations, and we are here to serve Him and to solve for His glory.

Speaker 2:

This is a good word. Thank you so much, julie, for this interview, and I look forward to more adventures with you on the mission peel.

Speaker 3:

Thank you, helens, great talking to you. Have a blessed day.

Speaker 2:

Bye. You know, we've all been there, haven't we? Wrestling with self-doubt, lack of confidence, feeling sometimes that we're just not enough. It is a tough place to be, but today's story reminds us that we're not alone in this. And wow, what a journey we've been on today. These stories like these that fuel our spirit and show us the beauty in resilience and the grace that helps us become who we're created to be.

Speaker 2:

Julie has certainly shown us that, with faith, perseverance and the touch of the Holy Spirit, we can overcome our inner doubts and shine in our true light. Let's remember that you've got the strength to face life's challenges and rise above the doubts and pave the path towards a greater purpose. If Jesus changed your life, just like Julie, you are equipped to make a difference in someone else's life. Whether it is a gift of compassion, prayer or a testimony of something God has done in your life, it can encourage others and lead them to Christ. I encourage you to check our website, rfwmaorg, for opportunities to take the Gospel to the nation. Each month, there is a mission to a country where you can make a difference. What is holding you back Until next time? I'm Helen Todd.

Speaker 1:

Limitless Spirit Podcast is produced by World Missions Alliance. We believe that changed lives change lives. If you want to see your life transformed by Christ's love, or if you want to help those who are hurting and hopeless and discover your greater purpose in serving Christ through short-term missionary work, check out our website, rfwmaorg, and find out how to get involved.