Limitless Spirit

Secret Power of Praise (part 2)

Helen Todd Season 5 Episode 146

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When you face the toughest battle of your life, praising God is not the first thing that comes to mind . 

In this episode host Helen Todd shares part 2 of her message on the secret power of praise highlighting the foundations that help you develop the habit of praise and the ways empower your praise to win the toughest spiritual battles.
In the end of this episode hear anointed praise and worship by Christina Rimmer

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Speaker 1:

Welcome to Limitless Spirit, a weekly podcast with host Helen Todd, where she interviews guests about pursuing spiritual growth, discovering life's purpose through serving others and developing a deeper faith in Christ.

Speaker 2:

Welcome to this episode of the Limitless Spirit. I'm your host. Helen Todd taught when you are facing the toughest battle of your life, praising God is not the first thing that comes to mind of even the most seasoned believer. Yet the Bible gives us a beautiful pattern of developing the habit of praise that is a powerful weapon of spiritual warfare. In this episode I will share with you part two of the message I shared at the Greater Purpose Conference 2024. If you missed part one, we looked at the snapshot in the history of the nation of Israel when, after wandering in the desert for 40 years under the leadership of Moses and with God's daily provision of manna, they find themselves on the edge of the promised land, suddenly void of the provision, under a new leadership and facing the fortified city of Jericho. And at this moment God presents them with a battle plan that involves only one weapon praise. Do you have enough trust in the Lord to accept praise as the only weapon in your struggle, and how does one develop the kind of praise that brings down the strongholds? We will look at it in this episode and at the end you will have an opportunity to practice your praise under the leadership of one of the most anointed worship leaders. I know, christina Rimmer, along with her husband, micah, and an incredibly gifted worship band. They will lead you in a wall-shattering march of praise.

Speaker 2:

If we move to the next chapter of Joshua, chapter 6, god gives a plan to Joshua and to the nation of Israel. That is absolutely insane. So there are many military commanders that studied the Bible for tactics, for the military tactics. Napoleon was one of them. There are many others, I can't think of them right now, but I really seriously doubt that any of them took seriously the account of Joshua, chapter six, as a viable tactic in actual warfare. So we're going to take a look at it Now.

Speaker 2:

Jericho was securely shut up. We saw the picture of Jericho Because of the children of Israel, none went out and none came in, and they were preparing for war. I'm sure they didn't just sit there with the walls, the doors boarded up. You know, they were preparing for war. They had troops employed to defend the city. And the Lord said to Joshua see, I have given Jericho into your hand, it's king and the mighty men of valor. See, I don't see that when we see the walls of Jericho, this see, I'm giving you this city is not an intuitive thing. And so the Lord starts with wanting them to change their mindset and see something that is beyond visible, see something that is beyond these walls, that is not necessarily available, the information that is not necessarily available to them. And so then he says you shall march around the city and all your men of war, you shall go around the city once, and this you will do six days. So he's telling them, for six days, men of war.

Speaker 2:

Now, mind you, after 40 years in the desert, fearful Israel has learned how to fight. So at first they were afraid of everything. They were afraid of Egyptians, they were afraid of Edom, they were wanting to go back at every obstacle that they had. But by this time they have learned how to fight. They have already won the wars with Amorites and Amalekites. They defeated King of Og, king Og of Bashan and King Shehon. They have won a few battles, but they won these battles with their swords. They won these battles with their weapons. They've learned some military tactics, and so they know that God promised them Canaan, and so they probably feel fairly confident in their ability to take over Jericho with their weapons, whatever weapons they had at the time.

Speaker 2:

But God is giving them a completely different plan. So for six days, he tells them, men of war, do nothing, just walk around the city and do nothing, and seven priests shall bear seven trumpets of rams of horns before the ark. Oh, that's awesome. And these rams, the horns, they are the sound of war and the presence of God following Israel. But no, they're not allowed to blow these horns. For six days they're also told to do nothing. But the seventh day you shall march around the city seven times and priests shall blow the trumpets. It shall come to pass when they make a long blast with ram's horn and when you hear the sound of trumpet that all the people shall shout with a great shout, then the wall of the city will fall down flat and the people shall go up, every man straight before him. That's a pretty big claim, especially for the men of war who have won the battles, shed the blood. But here they are supposed to do nothing for six days. Then march seven times, make a great shout and these wars are going to come down flat. And God is giving them this great visual that they will be so flat that you're just going to march straight forward. You won't be climbing over anything, you will just march straight forward into the city. This is a absolutely amazing imagery of how God is promising them to bring down this big problem before their eyes. Do nothing for six days, then make a great shout and it's gone.

Speaker 2:

So I want us to look at the word great shout, because it makes a difference. It matters what it actually means, and so the Hebrew word for this particular expression, great shout, is teruah. Teruah means a war cry that soldiers, military men, would go as they're going to the battle. Or it also means the shout of praise. It means giving loud noise, of expressing praise. Religious is literally the description of the word, is the religious expression of praise through making loud noise.

Speaker 2:

Making loud noise, and so the plan of warfare that God is giving them in this battle, the weapon of warfare, the only weapon that God is placing in their hands, is the shout of praise, and this shout of praise brought down the walls of Jericho. The writer of Hebrews says by faith, the walls of Jericho came down. Yes, they did, because Israel believed what God instructed them to do. Israel had enough faith to say okay, we're going to do exactly what you do, and it happened. But what brought the walls of Jericho down was teruah, the shout of praise, which was the weapon that God entrusted them with.

Speaker 2:

And so this kind of praise is actually mentioned in Psalms 8.2. It says the praise that comes out of the most helpless human beings, the children and the infant, is the stronghold against the enemy. The praise that comes out of infants and children silences the enemy. Do you understand the power behind the praise? This is the same praise this quote from Psalm 82, jesus quoting in Matthew 21,. This quote from Psalm 82, jesus quoting in Matthew 21, when the Pharisees are offended by the little children saying Hosanna to the son of David, they are offended by praise. And Jesus repeats this scripture in Psalms 82. And he says again yes, have you never read from the mouths of infants and nursing babies? You have prepared praise for yourself, praise which is strength.

Speaker 2:

So we're going to talk about the ways, because this kind of praise is not natural, this kind of praise that brings down the strongholds, the kind of praise that is our battle cry. It's not natural, it's something that we have to develop. It's not just the feeling and the emotion that wells up in us. It's something that we have to fight for, it's something that we have to build up for, and we're going to build up for it tonight. And as we go through the three ways that we empower our praise, I want you to follow with me, thinking about your situation, thinking about the battle that you are going through, that you are facing, and we're going to build it up to the warfare that we're going to do tonight, in just a few minutes. So, first of all, what empowers this praise is when we recognize the provision that God gives us, because God's provision doesn't always look like what we want. In fact, god doesn't really give us what we want. He rather gives us what we need, but sometimes it is hard for us to recognize when it is given to us.

Speaker 2:

You know, in Exodus 16 is the manna chapter. You know that's when God gave Israel the bread of heaven. He gave them manna. That didn't look like much. It looked like white coriander seed. Have you ever seen a coriander seed? It's very small, it's very pale, it's not impressive. I wouldn't look at it and think I can't wait to try that. But as they prepared it into the bread, they ground it into flour and made the bread of it. The scripture tells us it tasted like wafers made with honey.

Speaker 2:

Now where did God call Israel To Canaan, to the land of milk and honey. But they were not in Canaan yet. They were just journeying there and they needed food. They cried out for food. They were stressed about the food. They were craving the food that they left in Egypt. So God gave them food. They were stressed about the food. They were craving the food that they left in Egypt, so God gave them food. And it wasn't honey yet, but it didn't look like what they asked for. They asked for quail. They asked for bread that they had in Egypt. They got something that looked not very impressive, but it contained the hint of honey. It contained the promise of the promise, but they didn't quite recognize it that way because they called it manna, and manna means what is this? Instead of saying God, thank you for the bread of heaven, they said what is this? And they called it what is this for 40 years. I believe honestly that this is why they had so many problems. This is why their journey of seven days extended for 40 years, because they didn't recognize the hint of honey in manna and instead of praising God, they continued to say what is this?

Speaker 2:

Now it is easy for us to look back at Israel and say, oh my goodness, how did they not see that? How did they not make that connection? But are we all not guilty of that? When God gives us provision in our lives and we don't see it as such? We see it as a disappointment. We see it as did I miss you, a disappointment. We see it as did I miss you, lord. What is going on? Did you forget about me, lord? Here I am praying, asking.

Speaker 2:

I remember we were in Ethiopia ministering. We were prepared to minister to these ladies in um they were living. Um. It was a ministry that was helping ladies who had AIDS to earn income and make jewelry and do things. And so we prepared this ministry for them.

Speaker 2:

In a shed in the middle of nowhere, had everything lined up who's going to share a testimony and what are we going to do next, and then we're going to have prayer and all that. But the shed had a tin roof, and so as soon as we started our program that we prepared, the downpour came, a storm came and on a tin roof, rain sounds terrible. You can't hear anything. You know it was not possible for us to carry the program. Well, we're all women of God there, you know, we raised our hands to heaven and we said, lord, stop this rain, stop this rain. But in the name of Jesus, we declare this rain gone. And the rain only got louder and louder and louder and it was pretty clear that things are not happening, rain is not stopping and we need to stop praying.

Speaker 2:

And since there was nothing else that we could do, we decided we're just going to pray for these ladies one-on-one. You know, it doesn't need to have sound, we would just walk up to them and lay our hands. And this is exactly what God needed us to do. The rain was the provision for us to do the ministry the way God wanted us to do, not the way that we planned it to do, but we didn't see it as such and we were rebuking the enemy and asking for the rain to stop. See, the provision doesn't always look good to us, but if we recognize the provision, it starts to build our praise.

Speaker 2:

I love the book of Ruth and I've preached my favorite message on the book of Ruth. But you know, if you think of Naomi, when she was looking at Ruth that was clinging to her and saying I'm going to go with you to Israel, naomi saw Ruth as a liability. She didn't recognize that this woman, this foreigner, this refugee was her provision. That is going to put Naomi in the line of King David and in the line of Jesus. She didn't recognize her provision. And how many times we're guilty of the same thing. So we're going to move quickly. Praise remembers provision. So eventually we recognize God's provision, sometimes in retrospect.

Speaker 2:

But then the next step is to make a memorial of this provision, because we forget, we very quickly forget what God has done for us. And so this is the reason why, in Exodus, chapter 16, the Lord commanded Moses and Aaron to put the manna with the tablets of the covenant so that it might be preserved. And so the Israelites ate manna 40 years. But God knew that one day this manna will stop and Israel will forget that God sustained them through the desert and provided them for in the desert. And this is why he commanded them to put manna within the Ark of the Covenant, so that they have the remembrance of this, that they do not forget that he provided for them. And so Joshua was really very aware of this when God told them to carry the Ark of the Covenant for six days to do nothing. It wasn't to do nothing.

Speaker 2:

As they followed the Ark of the Covenant, they were supposed to remember what God has done for them in the wilderness. God gave them the law, the rules to live by, that if they follow that, he's going to fight their battles for them, that he's going to provide for them in the land of milk and honey. And God gave them manna in the desert so that they don't starve to death, so that it would nourish them through the years of the desert. And God gave them priests and Aaron's staff was symbolizing that to intercede for them before God. And so, as they marched six days around Jericho following the Ark of the Covenant, they were called to remember what God has done for them in the desert, and it is so frequent.

Speaker 2:

When God did something for the patriarchs of faith in the Bible, they made a memorial of it, they put up a stone, they Abraham called or they gave God a name in that situation and this is what I want to ask you to think as we're continuing and getting to the end of this message. First, I want you to remember tonight, when God made a provision for you, when there seemed to be no way, because it is going to build up your praise for tonight, and so I want you to remember that provision and I want you to think of the name that you would give God for what he has provided. Maybe it was a desperate situation in your health and the doctors gave up on you, and the doctors told you that there's no way that you're going to get through this. But God healed you, and so you can give him the name my healer. You can confidently give him this name Because it is your story, it is your testimony. It is your story, it is your testimony, it is your reality. Or maybe God healed your broken marriage that was beyond repair, and even you and your spouse has given up on that. But God brought you together and he does that. He picks up the broken pieces and builds them back together like it has been never broken before. So then, he's the restorer of your marriage. So I want you to give him a name tonight for that time when he has provided for you.

Speaker 2:

I want to skip forward the last part that empowers our praise, and this is uncomfortable, but praise proclaims provision. See, this is the Teruah moment when you praise, as you recognize God's provision in your life, as you remember that provision, as you have given God the name for your provision. The next step is to proclaim the provision. What God does for you is not just for you only. You are supposed to speak it out, you are supposed to shout it out.

Speaker 2:

So my absolute favorite story in the Bible is in Mark 10, 46, 52, the story of blind Bartimaeus. Jesus healed many blind people, but only Bartimaeus. His name was recorded there because he did something radical, something extraordinary. And guess where it happened? It happened in Jericho. It was right outside of Jericho that Bartimaeus was sitting and Jesus was walking through Jericho on his way to Jerusalem. Jesus was walking towards his death and there was this man, a blind man, who is sitting there, who has been rejected all his life, deprived of any opportunities all his life, just because he was blind. Because blind and the lame were not allowed to the into the temple of the Lord. They were considered cursed.

Speaker 2:

And so, blind Bartimaeus doesn't know who is walking past him, but he hears that is Jesus of Nazareth and he does something absolutely radical. And the crowd felt that it was even inappropriate what he did. But he screams son of of David, have mercy on me. He screams it so loudly that the crowd is trying to shush him. The crowd is telling him shut up, don't yell. It's it's annoying, it's inappropriate. But you know what he doesn't care, he's considering. He's continuing to scream son of David, have mercy on me. And you know what that, what that cry meant. It was not an cry for help. It was not a prayer or a petition. He's recognizing Jesus as the Messiah. He was told that this is Jesus of Nazareth, but he is ascribing a title to him son of David, messiah, the king. And he tells him have mercy on me. This is not a cry for help. It is ascribing the power to Jesus to have mercy.

Speaker 2:

Eleison in Greek, have mercy, eleison. In the culture, culture of that day, it was ascribed to the caesar to have the power to have mercy. The phrase was kyrie, eleison, lord, have mercy. This was the praise ascribed to the caesar, but bartimaeus is ascribing it to Jesus of Nazareth. He recognizes him as the son of David and he recognizes him as the authority to have mercy. And this is what got Jesus' attention. Jesus' mind was on his mission. He was heading towards Golgotha, he was heading towards his death to lay his life for you and for me. But he heard the praise of Bartimaeus, he heard the teruah of Bartimaeus and he said bring him to me.

Speaker 2:

And at this time, if you read the story crazy story, because how the fickle crowd changes instantly All of a sudden they're cheering for Bartimaeus and they're saying he's calling you, he's calling you, go to him. And you know what Bartimaeus does. He was a beggar. The only valuable thing he had at that time was his cloak, because the cloak was his safety blanket. It was security, it was what kept him warm through the nights, cool nights in the desert. But he jumps up to his feet and he throws his cloak in the crowd. He knows he's never going to find it, because he knows that the one that he is going to has power to have mercy on him. And only then Jesus asks him what is it that you want of me? Only then Jesus allows him to place the petition. But it was the ruah, it was the praise, the loud, crazy, inappropriate praise, that got Jesus' attention and Bartimaeus was healed.

Speaker 2:

This is extraordinary and this is the kind of praise that God teaches us in the story of Jericho. You see, praise lacks power when it is just the lip service. If your heart is not in it, you can scream until you lose your voice and it is not going to do anything, because if you don't ascribe that power to God in your heart, it is simply not going to get his attention. But when you praise from your heart and it rolls off your lips, it's like the key that unlocks heaven. You are engaging the supernatural, you are engaging the heavenly assistance. You are suddenly equipped with the weapon.

Speaker 2:

You see, so many times we fight the worst battle in our lives. We try to fight with our flesh because this is the best way that we know how to fight these battles. But this is the time, praise team, I want you to come up here. This is the times that we get wounded when we fight these battles with our flesh, because we're not fighting against flesh and blood. We're fighting against the powers and principalities of darkness. And our praise equips us. It puts us in the position to enter the supernatural, to get God's attention, to bring us into the position when we can pray and place before him.

Speaker 2:

And so tonight I want us to stand and I want us to praise God now. I asked you to remember those moments in your life when God made a provision for you, when it was absolutely not possible in any human way, and I asked you to remember that, to make a memorial in your mind, because it is not just for tonight. Psalm 96 too you are called to declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous deeds among all peoples, for great is the Lord and most worthy of praise. He is to be feared above all gods. The testimony that he has done for you, the testimony that is coming to you tonight, it is not just for this moment and it is not just for you. God has called you to the nations to declare his glory.

Speaker 2:

Jesus said go and make disciples. How is it that you make disciples? You declare his glory, you proclaim your story, your victory, your testimony. You ascribe the power to him to have mercy, and this is how people follow you. This is how you make disciples. So I want us to go to war tonight. I want us to praise. I want the prayer team to come forward here as well, because after we praise, they will be here with you to pray and petition. But we will create the atmosphere for these petitions to be brought up and for these petitions to be answered by going to the Lord with Teruah, with a shout of praise. Come on, team.

Speaker 3:

Amen. How many know that you're the army of the living Lord, hallelujah, you're the army of God. Come on, husband, I want you to play like a marching sound for us. The name of Jesus lifted high, lifted high, lifted high. The name of Jesus lifted high In this place. The name of Jesus lifted high, lifted high, lifted high. The name of Jesus lifted high in this place. The name of Jesus lifted high, lifted high, lifted high. The name of Jesus lifted high in this place. The name of Jesus lifted high, lifted high, lifted high. The name of Jesus lifted high in His name.

Speaker 3:

The Bible fire coming down, coming down, coming down. Revival fire coming down, revival fire coming down In this place. Revival fire coming down, coming down, coming down. Revival fire coming down In this place. Revival fire coming down in this place. Revival fire coming down, coming down, coming down. Revival fire coming down in this place. Leash your glory on us now, on us now, on us now. Leash your glory on us now. This day Come on, sing it. Leash your glory on us now, on us now, on us now. Leash your glory on us now, on us now, on us now. We shall be your glory on us.

Speaker 3:

Now, in this place, I hear the sound of an army arising. I hear the sound of an army arising. I hear the sound of an army arising in this place. Come on. If you're in a battle tonight, come forward. Come forward. We're going to have to do better. We're going to praise God. Come forward. I hear the sound of an army arising. I hear the sound of an army arising. I hear the sound of an army arising. I hear the sound of an army arising. I hear the sound of an army arising. I hear the sound of an army arising and the sound is great. I hear the sound of an army arising. I hear the sound of an army arising. I hear the sound of an army arising in his face. So release your glory on us now, on us now, on us now. Release your glory on us now, in his name. Release your glory on us now, in His name. He's your glory on us now, on us now, on us, now. He's your glory on us now, in His name, In His name. Here's why For sons and daughters shall be saved. Shall be saved, shall be saved, shall be saved, shall be saved. The sons and daughters shall be saved In his place. The sons and daughters shall be saved. Shall be saved. Shall be saved. The sons and daughters shall be saved. We call them forth. Shall be saved. Shall be saved. Sons and daughters shall be saved. In this way, sons and daughters shall be saved. Come on, they're returning back to the kingdom of God. Nations are returning to the kingdom of God. Sons and daughters shall be saved In this way. In this way, let's go.

Speaker 3:

Rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up.

Speaker 3:

I hear the sound of an army arising.

Speaker 3:

I hear the sound of an army arising.

Speaker 3:

I hear the sound of an army arising.

Speaker 3:

I hear the sound of an army arising.

Speaker 3:

I hear the sound of an army arising.

Speaker 3:

I hear the sound of an army arising.

Speaker 3:

I hear the sound of an army arising.

Speaker 3:

I hear the sound of an army arising.

Speaker 3:

I hear the sound of an army arising.

Speaker 3:

I hear the sound of an army rising from the skies.

Speaker 3:

It's the sound of an army rising.

Speaker 3:

It's the sound of an army rising.

Speaker 3:

So rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up.

Speaker 3:

Take your place, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up.

Speaker 3:

It's the sound of an army rising.

Speaker 3:

So rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up. Children of the living God. Hey, oh God, I hear the sound of an army arising. I hear the sound of an army arising. I hear the sound of an army arising In this place. I hear the sound of an army arising. I hear the sound of an army arising. I hear the sound of an army arising In this place. I hear the sound of an army arising. I hear the sound of an army arising in this place.

Speaker 3:

So rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, take your place, rise up, take your place, rise up, take your place, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, come on, can we prophesy this? Y'all ready? We're getting ready to prophesy over some people. Okay, because, listen, the sons and daughters shall be saved. I don't care if they're your sons and daughters, I don't care whose sons and daughters. They're going to be saved. They're going to be in the kingdom of God. Can we prophesy this? Huh, hey, the sons and daughters shall be saved, shall be saved, shall be saved. The sons and daughters shall be saved, shall be saved. Sons and daughters shall be saved.

Speaker 3:

In this place, come on, y'all, let's hear that Sons and daughters shall be saved, shall be saved, shall be saved, shall be delivered. Sons and daughters shall be saved In this place, come on, keep prophesying. The sons and daughters shall be saved. Drugs free, alcohol free, minds set free. Hey, in this place, sons and daughters shall be saved, set free and made whole, set free to live, set free. Sons and daughters shall be saved, set free. In this place, sons and daughters shall be saved, set free, shall be saved. Shall be saved. Set free, shall be saved, shall be saved, set free. Sons and daughters shall be saved. Come on, we break the strongholds of their minds in the mighty name of Jesus. Every last son and daughter shall wake up to the things of God. They shall rise up in the mighty name of Jesus. Sons and daughters shall be saved, god, they shall rise up in the mighty name of Jesus.

Speaker 3:

So we tell them to rise up, rise, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up. The Bible says David danced until he was down to touch the tomb. Come on, even while we were saying that, I kept hearing the Lord. Some of you said Lord, I want my spouse to rise up, I need my spouse to wake up, every spouse that's sitting at home while you worship the Lord. We declare them to wake up and rise up in the mighty name of Jesus. We call them into the kingdom of God. You will no longer have a double-minded household, but in Jesus' name, you shall be on one accord. You shall be equally yoked in the mighty name of Jesus. So rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, come on.

Speaker 3:

Prophesy Rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, rise up, come on, how many are believing? I don't have to wait for another day. God can do it now. You got right now paid. Woo, helen already said it.

Speaker 3:

It calls us for a radical, undignified worship and praise. Oh, that's just kept us free, was it not at midnight, when they prayed and the shackles were set free? Come on, can everybody clap like this? Come on when I move my body, when I move my feet, when I open my mouth, then the darkness flees. When I move my body, when I move my feet, when I open my mouth, then the darkness flees. When I move my body, when I move my feet, when I open my mouth, then the darkness. When I move my feet, when I open my mouth, then the darkness. When I move my feet, when I open my mouth, then the darkness.

Speaker 3:

My praise is a weapon. My shout is a weapon. My shout is a weapon. My shout is a weapon. My shout is a weapon. My shout is a weapon. My shout is a weapon. My shout is a weapon. My shout is a weapon. My dance is a weapon. My dance is a weapon. My dance is a weapon. My dance is a weapon. My dance is a weapon. My dance is a weapon. My dance is a weapon. My dance is a weapon. My dance is a weapon. My dance is a weapon. My dance is a weapon. My shout is a weapon. My shout is a weapon. My shout is a weapon. My shout is a weapon. My shout is a weapon. My shout is a weapon. My shout is a weapon. My shout is a weapon. My shout is a weapon. My shout is a weapon. My shout, my shout, my shout, my shout, my shout, my shout, my shout, my shout Hush y'all, hush y'all, hush y'all, hush y'all, hush y'all, hush y'all, hush y'all, hush y'all, hush y'all, hush y'all, hush y'all, hush y'all, hush y'all, hush y'all.

Speaker 3:

Come on as a big unit. Can we release a shout when we count to three? Can we just release a shout Y'all ready. Because we believe in every chair of our walls coming down and we don't have to wait another minute. My God can do it now. Hey, one, two, one, two, one, two, one, two, one, two, three, shout so so, thank you.

Speaker 2:

Okay, I want us to do one more thing, because, by faith, we're going to believe that the walls of your Jericho have come down. So now I want you to turn around towards the door and we're going to march forward because the walls have fallen down flat. So let's declare by faith that these walls are gone and we don't have to climb with any more mountains or obstacles. By faith, the walls of Jericho came down. Come on straight ahead of you. We're not going to do this six times. Yes, praise the Lord. Praise the Lord.

Speaker 3:

It is done, victory is won. There you go, oh hallelujah, praise the.

Speaker 2:

It is finished. Praise the Lord. Praise the Lord, amen. I couldn't have done it without this praise team. They went to war for us. Let's give it up for them. Let's give it up for them. Praise the Lord. Well, we have finished for tonight. We're standing right there by the door, so don't forget our prayer for the nations at 9 in the morning and then the session at 930. Hope you have a great rest. Amen. I hope you have been blessed by this word. Remember your battle is just a milestone on the way to his promises that stand true for those who put their faith and trust in Jesus. Your test becomes your testimony and with it you are an unstoppable force equipped to lead others to Christ. At World Missions Alliance, we like to say Change lives, change lives. I invite you to check our website, rfwmaorg, and discover opportunities for you to serve in the Great Commission and be used by the Lord to build His kingdom. Again, our website is rfwmaorg. Until next time. I'm Helen Todd.

Speaker 1:

Limitless Spirit Podcast is produced by World Missions Alliance. We believe that changed lives change lives. If your life was transformed by Christ, you are equipped to help others experience this transformation. Christ called his followers to make disciples across the world. World Missions Alliance gives you an opportunity to do this through short-term missions in over 32 countries across the globe. If you want to help those who are hurting and hopeless and discover your greater purpose in serving, check out our website, rfwmaorg, and find out how to get involved.